Dr. Jeff Dowdy
Senior Pastor
Follower of Jesus Christ, Expositional Preacher, Husband, Father, IronMan Finisher

Rev. Justin Haun
Worship Pastor
Worshiper, Lover of Music, Husband, Father to 3, Vols Fan

Rev. Matthew Jackson
Next Generations Pastor
Christ Follower, Husband, Father, Eagles Fan, Lover of Games

Manuel de Jesus Gomez Hernandez
Pastor - Iglesia de Restauracion Jesucristo la Roca
Husband, Father, humble, responsible, dedicated, hardworking, open to learn

Rachel Halbert
Nursery Director
Educator; Dedicated; Resourceful; Cheerful; Compassionate

Donna Flynn
Administrative Assistant
Jesus Christ is my Savior; Love God, love people; Here I am Lord, send me; Guatemala has part of my heart; Hiking/Kayaking/Beach

Harvey Hart
Facilities Maintenance Director
BBQ Pitmaster, Disaster Relief - Recovery/Rebuild , Disaster Relief - Feeding, SaltWater Surf Fishing, Pier Fishing