Rev. Matthew Jackson
Next Generations Pastor
Matthew Jackson grew up in Greensboro NC where he met his wife Alyssa and they had Everleigh, their first child. He felt a call to ministry in 2019 while working as a corrections officer and is actively pursuing that call that Jesus has placed on his life. He is currently enrolled in Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he is seeking his MDIV in Christian Ministry. When he is not doing school work or hanging out with Students, he enjoys watching movies, and is an avid marvel fan. He also enjoys playing board games, watching football, and going on walks with his family. His desire is to reach the next generation with the love of Christ according to the command of Jesus given in Matthew 28:16-20. He wants every Student to know of the love that Jesus has for them, as well as how to take their faith and defend it in a world that is challenging them daily.